Nodes of Trans­la­ti­on: Rethin­king Modern Intellec­tu­al Histo­ry bet­ween South Asia and Ger­ma­ny
7–9 July 2022
The Cent­re for Modern Indi­an Stu­dies (CeMIS), Georg-August-Uni­ver­si­tät Göttingen

Work­shop regis­tra­ti­on:

The work­shop exami­nes the trans­la­ti­on of key Ger­man texts into the modern lan­guages of India and trans­la­ti­ons from the clas­si­cal and ver­na­cu­lar lan­guages of South Asia into Ger­man. Our key con­cerns are shif­ting his­to­ri­cal con­texts, con­cepts, and trans­la­ti­on prac­ti­ces. Brin­ging intellec­tu­al histo­ry dimen­si­on to trans­la­ti­on stu­dies, we explo­re the histo­ry of trans­la­ti­on, trans­la­tors, and sites of trans­la­ti­on. Which aut­hors and texts are trans­la­ted? What hap­pens through the pro­cess of lin­gu­i­stic trans­la­ti­on in the realm of cul­tu­ral trans­la­ti­on? What can a his­to­ri­cal stu­dy of trans­la­ti­on tell us about the histo­ry of Indo-Ger­man intellec­tu­al ent­an­gle­ments? We hope to bring the ques­ti­on of translation(s) within the emer­ging field of ent­an­gled intellec­tu­al his­to­ries of Ger­ma­ny and India. The work­shop brings tog­e­ther diver­se rese­arch the­mes from Ger­man stu­dies and South Asi­an histo­ry and lite­ra­ry stu­dies to ans­wer some of the­se questions.