What’s New?

After nine years of work­ing togeth­er, in this arti­cle we look back on our suc­cess­es, big and small, reflect on the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges that still lie ahead and thank every­one who is accom­pa­ny­ing us on this journey!


Work­shop “Per­spec­tives on Mod­ern Indi­an His­to­ry through the Lens of Ger­man Archives”, Sep­tem­ber 2024

Project & Book Launch and Work­shop in Del­hi, March 2024

Latest Publications

Delfs, Tobias. 2024. Kolo­niale Natur­forschung und Südasien. Die Beteili­gung deutsch­er Botaniker an der impe­ri­alen Wis­senspro­duk­tion in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhun­derts. Köln: Böh­lau Verlag.

Paula Schn­abel & Jannes Thode. 2024. Archival Silences and Indo-Ger­man Entan­gle­ments – Ways of Uncov­er­ing Hid­den Voic­es. In: The Bodleian Conveyor.

Thi­a­go Pin­to Bar­bosa. 2024. Indi­an Stu­dents in a Ger­man School of Racial Anthro­pol­o­gy and Eugen­ics (1927–1945). In: MIDA Archival Reflexicon.

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