From the 21st to the 22nd of March 2024, MIDA in cooperation with the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies, New Delhi (MWF Delhi) held two events in Delhi:
21.03.2024 — Public Lecture and Book Launch
Time: 15.00 — 20.00 hrs
Venue: India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi
1. Modern India in German Archives 1706–1989: Introduction to the MIDA research portal
After the welcome adress delivered by Sebastian Schwecke, director of the MWF Delhi, and Kaspar Meyer, Head of Science and Technology Section, German Embassy New Delhi, our colleagues Heike Liebau, Anandita Bajpai, and Nico Putz presented the MIDA research portal, discussing functionalities and underlying principles of the MIDA database, the MIDA online publication series Archival Reflexicon and Thematic Resources, as well as the overall publication strategy of the project.

2. Book Launch: Nodes of Translation
The second part of this day’s event consisted of the book launch of Martin Christof-Füchsle and Razak Khan’s edited volume Nodes of Translation — Intellectual History between Modern India and Germany, which resulted from the conference titled “Nodes of Translation: Rethinking Modern Intellectual History between South Asia and Germany”. A particular highlight of the day was the interaction between Christof-Füchsle, the editor, and some of the contributors who were able to attend the event.

22.03.2024 — Workshop
The following day, our MIDA team mates together with some colleagues from the MWF Delhi convened at the Lodhi Hotel, New Delhi, for a workshop titled “India-Germany Entanglements: New Avenues in the German Archival Landscape”.
Time: 10.00 — 20.00 hrs
Venue: The Lodhi Hotel, New Delhi
10:00 — 10:30
10:30 — 11:15
Registration with tea / coffee
The potential of missionary sources: Benjamin Schultze (1689–1860) and his linguistic studies — Heike Liebau (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient / MIDA)
11:30 — 12:15
War, diplomacy and memory: British-Indian soldiersw in German captivity during WWII - Vandana Joshi (Delhi University / MIDA Advisory Board)
12:30 — 13:15
Through the grape-vine? Reception of Indian protest culture amongst German leftists, 1960s-70s - Nico Putz (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient / MIDA / Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung)
13:15 — 14:15
Lunch Break
14:15 — 15:15
Training as political strategy: Navigating post-colonial development politics at an Indo-German joint venture - Josefine Hoffmann (Georg-August Universität Göttingen / MIDA)
15:15 — 16:15
Material resonances of international radio broadcasters from the Cold War: Radio Berlin International and Deutsche Welle in India, 1964–90 - Anandita Bajpai (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient / MIDA)
16:15 — 17:00
Final discussions with tea / coffee