The fol­low­ing images from exter­nal sources are used on the website:

“Grun­dRiss und Prospect der Königlichen Dänis­chen auf der Küste Choro­man­del in Ost-Indi­en bele­gene Ves­tung und Stadt Dans­burg u. Tranke­bar”

[trans­la­tion: ground­plan and prospec­tus of the roy­al Dan­ish fortress and cities Dans­burg and Tranke­bar, sit­u­at­ed in East-India]
Halle, Franck­esche Stiftun­gen: BFSt: S/Kt 0256
EU 27840, Din­gal Singh, Kriegs­ge­fan­gener im Ersten Weltkrieg im “Halb­mond­lager”

[trans­la­tion: Din­gal Singh, pris­on­er of war dur­ing World War I at the ‘half-moon camp’]
Wüns­dorf, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Muse­um Europäis­ch­er Kul­turen, Samm­lung Otto Stiehl
Mit der Hapag nach Indi­en, 1913?

[trans­la­tion: with Hapag (Ham­burg Amer­i­ca Line) to India]
HL-Ref. 834. Hapag-Lloyd AG, Hamburg
Eine Gruppe Fre­unde auf Khwa­ja Abdul Hamieds  Hochzeit mit Luba, Berlin 1928

[trans­la­tion: A group of friends at Khwa­ja Abdul Hamied’s wed­ding to Luba]
Thanks are due to the Zen­trum Mod­ern­er Ori­ent in Berlin for their kind per­mis­sion to use the pho­tographs in Pro­fes­sor Krüger’s estate. These pho­tos were also pub­lished in: K. A. Hamied: an auto­bi­og­ra­phy; a life to remem­ber. Author, Khwa­ja Abdul Hamied. Pub­lish­er, Lal­vani Pub. House, 1972. (Page 74).
Der erste vom deutschen Unternehmen Gute­hoff­nung­shütte (Sterkrade) erbaute Hochofen im indis­chen Stahlw­erk Rourkela, 1959.

[trans­la­tion: The first smelt­ing fur­nace built by the Ger­man com­pa­ny Gute­hoff­nung­shütte (Sterkrade) in the Indi­an local­i­ty of Rourkela]
LVR-Inud­striemu­se­um, 04/911, Pho­tog­ra­ph­er: unknown
144323 – pic­ture of the cov­er page of a pub­li­ca­tion by the INDO-GDR Friend­ship Soci­ety, Cal­cut­ta which shows a stat­ue of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels donat­ed by the Soci­ety to the city of Cal­cut­ta, 1982. The stat­ue was donat­ed to the soci­ety by the Ger­man Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic to the society.INDO-GDR Friend­ship Soci­ety, Calcutta
DC4223 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels stat­ue sit­u­at­ed at the out­skirts of the Suren­dranath Park (Cur­zon Park), Calcutta.Anan­di­ta Baj­pai, Feb­ru­ary, 2018.
Tage­buch des Leut­nant Carl de Roques vom 16. (15.) hann. Inf. Rgt. über den Trans­port han­nover­sch­er Trup­pen nach Indi­en und ihren dor­ti­gen Kriegs-Ein­satz, 1782 Febr. — 1784 Juni.

[trans­la­tion: Diary of Lieu­tenant Carl de Roques of the 16th (15th) Hanover­ian infantry reg­i­ment regard­ing the trans­porta­tion of Hanover­ian troups to India and their local war deployment]

NLA Han­nover Kleine Erwer­bun­gen A 48 Nr 1, S. 26–27.

The archive mate­r­i­al is the prop­er­ty of the Low­er Sax­ony State Archives (Nieder­säch­sis­ches Lan­desarchiv). This image may not be stored, repro­duced, archived, dupli­cat­ed, copied, altered or used in any oth­er way with­out the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of the Low­er Sax­ony State Archives. 
Zen­tral­bild Gahlbeck 7.2.1966 “Tage der Fre­und­schaft DDR-Indi­en” in Annaberg “Indi­en gestern und heute” — unter diesem Mot­to zeigt die Deutsch-Südostasi­atis­che Gesellschaft in der DDR in der erzge­bir­gis­chen Kreis­stadt Annaberg zur Zeit eine Ausstel­lung über Geschichte, Kul­tur, Wirtschaft und All­t­ag dieses Staates. Prof. Schu­bert, Direk­tor des ostasi­atis­chen Insti­tutes der Karl-Marx-Uni­ver­sität Leipzig (rechts) mit Gopalan Nair aus Indi­en (links) und dem Mitar­beit­er der Deutsch-Südostasi­atis­chen Gesellschaft Han­no Röder in der Ausstel­lung. Gopalan Nair ist Inge­nieur für Poly­grafie, er hat in Leipzig studiert und erwirbt sich jet­zt in ein­er ein­jähri­gen Tätigkeit in den Poly­grafis­chen Werk­stät­ten in Leipzig prak­tis­che Erfahrun­gen auf seinem Fachge­bi­et.

[trans­la­tion: “Days of Friend­ship GDR-India” in Annaberg “India yes­ter­day and today” — under this mot­to, the Ger­man-South­east Asian Soci­ety in the GDR is cur­rent­ly show­ing an exhi­bi­tion in the Erzge­birge dis­trict town of Annaberg on the his­to­ry, cul­ture, econ­o­my and every­day life of this coun­try. Prof. Schu­bert, Direc­tor of the East Asian Insti­tute of the Karl Marx Uni­ver­si­ty in Leipzig (right) with Gopalan Nair from India (left) and the staff mem­ber of the Ger­man-South­east Asian Soci­ety Han­no Röder in the exhi­bi­tion. Gopalan Nair is a poly­graph­ic engi­neer, he stud­ied in Leipzig and is now gain­ing prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence in his field by work­ing for one year at the Poly­grafis­che Werk­stät­ten in Leipzig.]
This image was pro­vid­ed to Wiki­me­dia Com­mons by the Ger­man Fed­er­al Archive (Deutsches Bun­de­sarchiv) as part of a coop­er­a­tion project. The Ger­man Fed­er­al Archive guar­an­tees an authen­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion only using the orig­i­nals (neg­a­tive and/or pos­i­tive), resp. the dig­i­tal­iza­tion of the orig­i­nals as pro­vid­ed by the Dig­i­tal Image Archive

Por­trait of Diet­rich Bran­dis (March 31, 1824 — May 29, 1907)

For­est Research Insti­tute, Dehra Dun, Pub­lic Domain.

MIDA thanks the rights-hold­ers for the per­mis­sion to use the pho­tographs and images.