Pho­to: A Vinyl Record

This is the cor­re­spond­ing Eng­lish ver­sion of the 2020 MIDA Archival Reflex­i­con entry “Südasi­atis­che Sprach- und Musikauf­nah­men im Lautarchiv der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin”. The text was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in “When the war began we heard of sev­er­al kings” South Asian Pris­on­ers in Worl War I Ger­many, edit­ed by Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau, and Ravi Ahu­ja. New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 187–206.

Table of Con­tents
Wil­helm Doe­gen and the His­to­ry of the Lautarchiv | The Phon­graph­ic Com­mis­sion  | Tech­ni­cal and Organ­i­sa­tion­al Real­i­sa­tion of the Gramo­phone Record­ings in the POW Camps  | South Asian Record­ings in the Lautarchiv  | Con­clu­sion  | End­notes | Bib­li­og­ra­phy

This chap­ter gives an overview of the sound record­ings of South Asian sol­diers and civil­ians from the First World War stored in the Lautarchiv of the Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin. Pris­on­ers of war became ‘objects’ of lin­guis­tic research when, in 1915, a com­mis­sion of researchers received the offi­cial sanc­tion to record the numer­ous lan­guages and dialects that were spo­ken by the cos­mopoli­tan assort­ment of ‘ene­my’ sol­diers and civil­ians in Germany’s prison camps. The record­ings of voic­es, lan­guages, dialects and music of interned sol­diers and civil­ians for research pur­pos­es account for a sig­nif­i­cant part of the col­lec­tion, but there were also oth­er areas of focus.

In terms of scope and his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance there is no com­pa­ra­ble col­lec­tion in any Ger­man uni­ver­si­ty. This col­lec­tion is the ear­li­est and most com­pre­hen­sive sys­tem­at­ic sound archive cre­at­ed for doc­u­men­tary and sci­en­tif­ic pur­pos­es by record­ing onto shel­lac disc. It was estab­lished for sci­en­tists by sci­en­tists for the pur­pos­es of teach­ing and research. On the one hand, research into pho­net­ics, dialects, com­par­a­tive lin­guis­tics, and eth­nol­o­gy were to be fur­thered; on the oth­er, the record­ings were to play a sig­nif­i­cant role in for­eign lan­guage teach­ing. The archive, which was pre­served after the Sec­ond World War though with­out being man­aged or extend­ed, has been devel­oped and dig­i­talised since 1999. A data­base of the record­ings made by the archive on shel­lac disc between 1915–44 has been com­plet­ed and is avail­able online.[i]

These sound record­ings can only be prop­er­ly appre­ci­at­ed in their respec­tive sci­en­tif­ic and his­tor­i­cal con­text, which, how­ev­er, has not been inves­ti­gat­ed and recon­struct­ed in suf­fi­cient depth as yet. The fol­low­ing does not pre­sume to offer a com­plete pic­ture, for this reason.

Wilhelm Doegen and the History of the Lautarchiv

The his­to­ry of the Lautarchiv is close­ly linked to its founder Wil­helm Doe­gen (17.3.1877–3.11.1967). Doe­gen was born in Berlin in the same year that Edi­son invent­ed the phono­graph. On fin­ish­ing high school, he under­went an appren­tice­ship in a bank and then stud­ied eco­nom­ics and busi­ness law. Doe­gen also went unof­fi­cial­ly to Eng­lish lec­tures giv­en by Alois Bran­dl (1855–1940) at the Friedrich-Wil­helm­s­U­ni­ver­sität (today Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin). It was Bran­dl who encour­aged Doe­gen to study Mod­ern Lan­guages. In 1899–1900 Doe­gen spent one term at Oxford where he stud­ied with Hen­ry Sweet (1845–1912). Sweet is regard­ed as one of the pio­neers of mod­ern pho­net­ics, and he played a deci­sive role in the devel­op­ment of pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tion with its numer­ous spe­cial characters.

Doe­gen lat­er described the meet­ing with Sweet and the latter’s sys­tem of pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tion as a deter­min­ing influ­ence on his own work. In 1904, Doe­gen qual­i­fied as a teacher of Eng­lish, French and Ger­man. His dis­ser­ta­tion was on the use of pho­net­ics in the teach­ing of Eng­lish to begin­ners (Die Ver­wen­dung der Phonetik im Englis­chen Anfang­sun­ter­richt). With great enthu­si­asm he pur­sued the use of pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tion in teach­ing mate­ri­als to be used in con­junc­tion with texts spo­ken onto records.

As a teacher at the Bor­sig High School from 1909, Doe­gen com­piled teach­ing mate­ri­als run­ning to sev­er­al vol­umes in co­ oper­a­tion with the Odeon Record­ing Com­pa­ny in Berlin. The shel­lac disc was to be used as a new medi­um of teach­ing. These mate­ri­als were called “Doegen’s teach­ing book­lets for the inde­pen­dent learn­ing of for­eign lan­guages with the help of pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tion and the speech machine” (Doe­gens Unter­richt­shefte für die selb­ständi­ge Erler­nung fremder Sprachen mit Hil­fe der Lautschrift und der Sprech­mas­chine). In addi­tion to this he pub­lished mate­r­i­al using native speak­ers to read from clas­si­cal Eng­lish and French literature.

Doe­gen con­tin­ued to work close­ly with the Min­istry of Sci­ence, Art, and Nation­al Edu­ca­tion and was sent by this depart­ment to the World Expo­si­tion in Brus­sels in 1910. There he received the sil­ver medal for intro­duc­ing the record to teach­ing and research. A mere two years lat­er, some 1,000 schools and uni­ver­si­ties could be seen using Doegen’s shel­lac discs for lan­guage teach­ing. Encour­aged by the suc­cess of his sound record­ings, Doe­gen devel­oped ideas for a voice muse­um (Stim­men­mu­se­um). In Feb­ru­ary 1914, he sub­mit­ted an appli­ca­tion to the Pruss­ian Min­istry of Sci­ence, Art, and Nation­al Edu­ca­tion to estab­lish a Roy­al Pruss­ian Pho­net­ic Insti­tute (Königlich Preußis­ches Phonetis­ches Institut).

In 1920, Doe­gen became the direc­tor of the Sound Depart­ment of the Pruss­ian State Library (Lautabteilung an der Preußis­chen Staats­bib­lio­thek). Irreg­u­lar­i­ties in book-keep­ing led to Doe­gen step­ping down in July 1930. In Octo­ber 1931 he was, how­ev­er, able to begin work again but the admin­is­tra­tion of the Lautabteilung became the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the uni­ver­si­ty. In the end the Nazi law of 1933 on the estab­lish­ment of a loy­al and ‘Aryan’ ‘Berufs­beam­ten­tum’ (The Law for the Restora­tion of the Pro­fes­sion­al Civ­il Ser­vice) led to Doegen’s dismissal.

The Phongraphic Commission

Accord­ing to Doegen’s “Sug­ges­tions for the estab­lish­ment of a Roy­al Pruss­ian Pho­net­ic Insti­tute” from 1914, the fol­low­ing were to be collected:

  1. Lan­guages from around the world.
  2. All Ger­man dialects.
  3. Music and songs from around the world.
  4. Voic­es of famous people.
  5. Oth­er areas of inter­est.[ii]

The appli­ca­tion led to the appoint­ment of the Roy­al Pruss­ian Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion on 27 Octo­ber 1915. Carl Stumpf, psy­chol­o­gist, acousti­cian, and founder of the Phono­gramm-Archiv was appoint­ed as chair­man of the Com­mis­sion.[iii] Dur­ing the ear­ly phase of acoustic research Carl Stumpf was regard­ed as an indis­putable author­i­ty in the field and it is there­fore not sur­pris­ing that the min­istry entrust­ed him with the lead­er­ship of the new initiative.

In total, the com­mis­sion com­prised thir­ty aca­d­e­mics work­ing in the fields of philol­o­gy, anthro­pol­o­gy and musi­col­o­gy and includ­ed such pres­ti­gious schol­ars as Otto Dem­p­wolff (Med­i­cine, African Indone­sian and South Seas’ lan­guages), Felix von Luschan (Anthro­pol­o­gy), Friedrich Carl Andreas (Iran­ian lan­guages), Alois Bran­dl (Eng­lish dialects), Adolf Dirr (Cau­casian lan­guages), Hel­muth von Glase­napp (Pun­jabi, Hin­di), August Heisen­berg (Greek), George Schüne­mann (Musi­col­o­gy), Hein­rich Lüders (Ben­gali, Paschto, Gurung).

One of the pur­pos­es of the com­mis­sion was to make audio record­ings in Ger­man pris­on­er of war camps. Between 29 Decem­ber 1915 and 19 Decem­ber 1918, the Roy­al Pruss­ian Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion record­ed 2672 audio-media (gramo­phone-discs and wax­ cylin­ders) of approx­i­mate­ly 250 lan­guages, dialects, and tra­di­tion­al music among the pris­on­ers of war of the Ger­man Empire. The mem­bers of the com­mis­sion select­ed 31 of the exist­ing 175 prison camps for the col­lec­tion of their sam­ples.[iv] Some of these camps were vis­it­ed on more than one occa­sion and thus, all in all, the com­mis­sion under­took 49 field trips to prison camps. With the excep­tion of Aus­tria, this form of gath­er­ing ethno­graph­i­cal mate­r­i­al was unique dur­ing World War I. In Ger­many, the activ­i­ties of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion were kept secret dur­ing the course of the war.

Doe­gen him­self was respon­si­ble for the pure­ly tech­ni­cal pro­duc­tion of the gramo­phone record­ings only. Togeth­er with the sub­ject experts and a tech­ni­cian he made 1650 record­ings, of which two thirds were lan­guage record­ings and a third music record­ings. The last disc (PK 1650) was record­ed short­ly before Christ­mas 1918. 

The musi­col­o­gist Georg Schüne­mann made musi­cal record­ings exclu­sive­ly with the phono­graph. He worked most­ly on his own and did not make use of the stan­dard­ised data acqui­si­tion of the com­mis­sion, which is described in the fol­low­ing pas­sage. His col­lec­tion con­sists of 1022 wax cylin­ders which are today kept in the Phono­gramm-Archiv.[v]

The image is a photograph showing Wilhelm Doegen and Alois Brandl in a room with eight other men. Doegel, standing, holds one of the men by the scruff of the neck and points his head into the speaking tube of the recording device. Brandl is standing next to him, another man - probably the recording technician - behind the equipment, a third next to Brandl - from his uniform probably a camp supervisor. The remaining men are sitting at the edge, presumably they are camp inmates.
Fig.1: Gramo­phone record­ings being made by Wil­helm Doe­gen and the Eng­lish philol­o­gist Alois Bran­dl in the Wahn Camp in Octo­ber 1916.Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Depart­ment of Musi­col­o­gy and Media stud­ies, Lautarchiv (with the kind per­mis­sion of Har­ro Broedler).

In the con­fu­sion of the Novem­ber Rev­o­lu­tion of 1918, Doe­gen obtained per­son­al con­trol of the gramo­phone record­ings through the Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion and estab­lished this col­lec­tion as the basis of the Sound Depart­ment of the Pruss­ian State Library (Lautabteilung an der Preußis­chen Staats­bib­lio­thek), found­ed on 1 April 1920.[vi]

In this black-and-white photograph, Schünemann and Stumpf can be seen sitting at a table. They are operating the recording equipment. On the left side of the picture are three Tartar musicians, one of them playing a kind of violin or viola in front of the recording funnel.
Fig. 2: Carl Stumpf (right) and Georg Schüne­mann (cen­tre) record a Tatar­i­an musi­cian with a phono­graph. (The record­ing is archived in the Berlin Phono­gramm-Archiv under the sig­na­ture ‘Phon. Komm. 34’, Camp Frank­furt a. d. O., 1916.) Pho­tog­ra­phy: W. Doe­gen, 1925 pho­to­graph oppo­site page 144.

The Chair­man of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion, Carl Stumpf, was not informed of this devel­op­ment and react­ed angri­ly,[vii] because as far as he was con­cerned the col­lec­tion was to be retained by the Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion as a whole.

Instead, with the estab­lish­ment of the Lautabteilung (Sound Depart­ment) the col­lec­tion of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion was divid­ed accord­ing to the record­ing medi­um (shel­lac in the Lautabteilung, wax cylin­ders in the Phono­gramm-Archiv) and these have been kept at two dif­fer­ent loca­tions ever since.

In addi­tion to the gramo­phone record­ings of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion, the Lautabteilung also kept record­ings of famous indi­vid­u­als, a voice col­lec­tion, which was begun by Doe­gen in 1917. These record­ings were made with finan­cial sup­port giv­en by the chem­istry pro­fes­sor Dr Lud­wig Darm­staedter. Accord­ing to the con­tract of dona­tion, the pur­pose of this col­lec­tion was: “Stim­men von solchen Per­sön­lichkeit­en aufzube­wahren, an deren Erhal­tung für die Nach­welt ein his­torisches Inter­esse vor­liegt” (To retain the voic­es of impor­tant per­son­al­i­ties that are of his­tor­i­cal inter­est of future gen­er­a­tions).[viii] “Per­son­al­i­ties”, here, relates in par­tic­u­lar to politi­cians, sci­en­tists and artists.

These record­ings were intend­ed to sup­ple­ment the Lud­wig Darm­staedter col­lec­tion of auto­graphs for the his­to­ry of sci­ence, which Darm­staedter had donat­ed to the Roy­al Library (Königliche Bib­lio­thek) ten years ear­li­er.[ix] As hon­orary cura­tor of this col­lec­tion Doe­gen had to accept the deci­sions made by a cura­tor­ship on new record­ings. The records of this col­lec­tion of voic­es car­ry the sig­na­ture “Aut” (Autophon). The first offi­cial record­ing with the sig­na­ture “Aut 1” was the speech of the Ger­man Kaiser Wil­helm II with the title “Aufruf an mein Volk” (Appeal to my Peo­ple) record­ed on 10 Jan­u­ary 1918 in the Schloß Belle­vue. This speech was orig­i­nal­ly held in August 1914. A typ­i­cal sign of the “Aut” sig­na­to­ry series is that every record­ing is made up of pas­sages tak­en from famous speech­es or lec­tures already giv­en. The time lapse between a speech being held and it being record­ed ranged from only a few days to four years. A fur­ther char­ac­ter­is­tic of this “Aut” sig­na­to­ry is that the speak­er signed the wax matrix after the suc­cess­ful recording.

Spe­cial sta­tus was giv­en to the record “Aut 0” used only with­in the col­lec­tion. This par­tic­u­lar record­ing which con­tains the voic­es of both Doe­gen and Darm­staedter appears in none of the doc­u­ments in the archive and was only dis­cov­ered among the 7500 records dur­ing a review of the con­tents of the col­lec­tion. In this record­ing Doe­gen and Darm­staedter set out their rea­sons for build­ing the col­lec­tion and also dis­cuss the finan­cial sup­port giv­en. The “Aut” sig­na­to­ry was dis­con­tin­ued in 1924 because Darm­staedter with­drew his finan­cial support.

When Doe­gen became direc­tor of the Lautabteilung in 1920 he remained account­able to the Sound Com­mis­sion (Lautkomis­sion) which, just like the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion, decid­ed on what record­ings were to be made, and it was made up, in part, of the same group of peo­ple. As direc­tor of the col­lec­tion Doe­gen was respon­si­ble for the tech­ni­cal real­i­sa­tion, con­ser­va­tion, and eval­u­a­tion of the col­lec­tion, as well as mak­ing it avail­able to the public.

The record­ings of the Lautabteilung were giv­en the sig­na­ture LA. The range of themes cov­ered in the col­lec­tion was great­ly extend­ed. Apart from “Lan­guages and Music from around the World” (Sprache und Musik sämtlich­er Völk­er) the doc­u­men­ta­tion of Ger­man dialects became a mat­ter of inter­est. Record­ings of the 40 Wenker Sen­tences (40 Wenker­sche Sätze) for the Ger­man lan­guage atlas were made with the help of Fer­di­nand Wrede from Mar­burg. Along with the var­i­ous record­ing expe­di­tions under­tak­en with­in Ger­many there were also expe­di­tions to Switzer­land, to Ire­land and to Latvia. The area of record­ing, “Famous Peo­ple”, of the “Aut” sig­na­ture was car­ried on in the LA sig­na­ture after Darm­staedter end­ed his involve­ment but this time it was devel­oped under the title “Peo­ple of Pub­lic Inter­est”. The voic­es of peo­ple includ­ed in the col­lec­tion ranged from those involved in tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions to pio­neers of aviation.

In 1925 ani­mal nois­es were record­ed in co-oper­a­tion with the Kro­ne cir­cus. As well as the record­ings of wild ani­mals such as ele­phants, sea lions and tigers, the North Amer­i­can Indi­ans who were made to put on a show by the Kro­ne cir­cus in the same year were brought in front of the record­ing trum­pet. By record­ing the chiefs of the Iowa and Cheyenne sound doc­u­ments of the Sioux and Algo­nquin lan­guages were added to the collection.

When the African­ist and pho­neti­cian Diedrich West­er­mann took over the run­ning of the Lautabteilung after Doegen’s dis­missal in 1933, it became a teach­ing and research insti­tu­tion for pho­net­ics and was inte­grat­ed into the uni­ver­si­ty[x] as the Insti­tute for Sound Research (Insti­tut für Laut­forschung). In 1935, it was divid­ed into depart­ments for lin­guis­tics, music, and a pho­net­ic lab­o­ra­to­ry. An aca­d­e­m­ic spe­cial­ist was respon­si­ble for each depart­ment.[xi] The archive remained in this form until 1944.

Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War sound record­ings were made of pris­on­ers of war both in Ger­many and in camps in France between 1939 and 1941. In France there was par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on record­ings of African lan­guages. This work is not com­pa­ra­ble with that of Carl Stumpf dur­ing the First World War either in terms of the extent or its content.

After 1945 the Insti­tute for Sound Research was sub­ject to much restruc­tur­ing until it lost its inde­pen­dence in the Sec­ond High­er Edu­ca­tion Reform of 1969, and was inte­grat­ed into the sec­tion Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Ped­a­gogy and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Stud­ies (Reha­bil­i­ta­tion­späd­a­gogik und Kom­mu­nika­tion­swis­senschaft) as the Depart­ment for Pho­net­ics and Sci­ence of Lan­guage (Abteilung Phonetik/ Sprech­wis­senschaft). Here, the Lautarchiv held a mar­gin­al posi­tion at best while the col­lec­tion of mate­r­i­al had come to a stand­still con­sid­er­ably ear­li­er. In 1981 it was to be dis­posed of alto­geth­er. But the eth­no­mu­si­col­o­gist Jür­gen Elsner recog­nised the great val­ue of the (for the most part neglect­ed) col­lec­tion and took steps to ensure that the col­lec­tion was secured in lock­ing rooms in the Depart­ment of Musi­col­o­gy (Musik­wis­senschaftlich­es Sem­i­nar). A first com­pre­hen­sive report on the col­lec­tion was pub­lished in 1996 by Dieter Mehn­ert who looked after the col­lec­tion in the 1990s.[xii] Today this col­lec­tion is known as the Lautarchiv and is still locat­ed at the Depart­ment of Musi­col­o­gy and Media Stud­ies at the Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität in Berlin.

Technical and Organisational Realisation of the Gramophone Recordings in the POW Camps

The gramo­phone record­ings under the super­vi­sion of Wil­helm Doe­gen were realised in the fol­low­ing man­ner: First the mem­bers of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion took account of the lan­guages spo­ken by the pris­on­ers in each camp since the lists they obtained from the camp com­man­ders before­hand were not always accu­rate. The Com­mis­sion and/or the lan­guage expert then decid­ed who was to be record­ed. Before each record­ing a so-called per­son­al ques­tion­naire (Per­son­al­bo­gen) had to be completed.

A personal questionnaire filled out by hand is shown.
Fig. 3: The per­son­al ques­tion­naire (Per­son­al­bo­gen) of pris­on­er Sib Singh from the Pun­jab, Lautarchiv der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin [LA-HUB, PK 610].

Apart from doc­u­ment­ing the record­ing, the ques­tion­naire gave detailed infor­ma­tion about the prove­nance of the speak­er as well as his lin­guis­tic her­itage and con­tained ques­tions regard­ing the social back­ground of the speak­er. Fur­ther­more, no record­ing could be made before the text was writ­ten down in the hand­writ­ing style or type­face nor­mal­ly used for the speaker’s lan­guage. Since speak­ers and singers did not always stick to the agreed text, new tran­scrip­tions had at times to be made once the shel­lac discs had been pro­duced. Tran­scrip­tions of music were only made after press­ing the records.

The themes of the record­ings are:

  1. Word groups of rel­a­tive­ly unknown lan­guages and con­tain­ing words which are eas­i­ly con­fused were record­ed for use in dictionaries.
  2. Fairy tales, sto­ries and anecdotes.
  3. Pris­on­ers of war, in par­tic­u­lar from Great Britain and France, but also from oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries, read the Para­ble of the Prodi­gal Son (Luke XV, 11 ff.) in their own dialects. In this way dialects of all Eng­lish coun­ties were doc­u­ment­ed and could be com­pared with each other.
  4. The major­i­ty of the music record­ings are vocal, only a few record­ings are pure­ly instru­men­tal. About two thirds of the record­ings are spo­ken and about one third is music.

The activ­i­ties of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion did not only extend to acoustic record­ings. Apart from sim­ply tran­scrib­ing the record­ed texts, so-called palatograms were made by the den­tist Alfred Doe­gen, a broth­er of Wil­helm Doe­gen, in order to detail the exact tongue posi­tion, made more com­pli­cat­ed by vari­a­tion in accent. X­ray pho­tographs of the lar­ynx were made to enable sci­en­tif­ic research into spe­cif­ic speech sounds.

The eth­nol­o­gist and cura­tor of the Berlin Eth­no­log­i­cal Muse­um, Felix von Luschan, under­took anthro­po­log­i­cal stud­ies and made mea­sure­ments of the pris­on­ers.[xiii] A pho­tog­ra­ph­er took pic­tures of near­ly every speak­er and singer. About 50 of these pho­tos sur­vived in the archive. Not all of them can be assigned defin­i­tive­ly to a record­ing. The pho­tos show a per­son from the front and in pro­file in keep­ing with the con­tem­po­rary eth­no­log­i­cal practice.

There is a con­sid­er­able num­ber of African and Asian lan­guage and music record­ings as well as sam­ples of speech tak­en from East and West Euro­pean lan­guages. These are among the ear­li­est sound record­ings of this type. Because of their ortho­graph­ic and pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tions, accom­pa­nied by Ger­man trans­la­tions, these record­ings were, by con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous stan­dards, excel­lent­ly doc­u­ment­ed and are there­fore invalu­able for cur­rent research projects. So, for exam­ple, accom­pa­ny­ing one disc which runs for three and a half min­utes there are 35 pages of writ­ten documentation.

South Asian Recordings in the Lautarchiv

Sound record­ings from the fol­low­ing present-day states can be found in the archive: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pak­istan. With­out excep­tion all record­ings were made using pris­on­ers of war from the First World War as speak­ers and singers from the for­mer ter­ri­to­ries of British India and Nepal. Most of these pris­on­ers were held in the ‘Half­moon Camp’ in Wüns­dorf near Berlin.

With eleven trips, Wüns­dorf was the most fre­quent­ly vis­it­ed camp, also known as ‘Half­moon Camp’ (Halb­mond­lager) due to the large num­ber of Mus­lim pris­on­ers interned here.[xiv] Sit­u­at­ed mere­ly 40 kilo­me­tres south of Berlin, Wüns­dorf was espe­cial­ly inter­est­ing for the researchers due to its rich diver­si­ty of cul­tures, many of which were asso­ci­at­ed with the colo­nial pow­ers of Eng­land and France. About 65 idioms were clas­si­fied by the mem­bers of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion. South Asian Lan­guages spo­ken and record­ed by the interned sol­diers were:[xv] Hindi/Hindustani/Urdu, Pun­jabi, Bengali/Sylheti, Garhwali, Old-Hin­di, Baluchi, Pash­to, Khasi, Lim­bu, Nepali, Mag­a­ri, Gurung, Rai.Other lan­guages includ­ed Eng­lish (Nepal, Great Britain), Viet­namese (Viet­nam), Baule (Ivory Coast), Dahome­en, Bari­ba (Benin), Bobo, (Burk­i­na Faso), Mosi, Samogo (Buk­i­na Faso, Mali),Wolof, Pulaar (Sene­gal), Ful (Mali, Sudan, Sene­gal, Guinea), Kasonke (Mali), Zarma (Mali, Nige­ria), Kwa (Togo), Kru (Liberia), Malin­ka, Toma (Guinea), Soso (Sier­ra Leone, Guinea), Ban­tu, Swahili, Mwali, Ngazid­ja, Ndzwani (Comoros), Soma­li (Soma­lia), Bam­bara (Sudan, Mali, Sene­gal), Man­dara, Kanuri (Sudan), Haus­sa (Sudan, Mali), Yoru­ba (Nige­ria), Anyin (Ghana), Ara­bic, (Alge­ria, Tunisia, Moroc­co, Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion), Berber (Alge­ria, Moroc­co), Kabyle (Alge­rien), Bet­sileo, Bet­simis­ara­ka, Bezanozano, Meri­na, Sakalave, Syanaka,Taisaka, Tanosy (Mada­gas­car), Mal­tese (Mal­ta), Tatar, Avar, Bashkir, Udmurt (Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion), Kirghiz (Kyr­gyzs­tan), New Cale­don­ian (New Caledonia).

Adja­cent to the Half­moon Camp in Wüns­dorf was the Wein­berg Camp in Zossen. Here, Mus­lim sol­diers from Rus­sia (Tatars) were interned. In the ini­tial phase of the record­ing work only sev­en discs were made of Tatar songs. Oth­er­wise, all the record­ings of Russ­ian Mus­lims held in the Wein­berg camp were made in the Half­moon Camp. Both camps were set up to encour­age the inmates to defect to the Ger­man side using care­ful­ly tar­get­ed pro­pa­gan­da.[xvi] We can assume that there was con­stant exchange of pris­on­ers between the two camps for the record­ing. For instance, the Mohammedan Call to Prayer (Gebet­sruf der Mohammedan­er) record­ed in Ara­bic in the Wüns­dorf camp was that of a Tatar from Tobol­sk who was held pris­on­er in the Wein­berg camp.[xvii] In the Half­moon Camp there was also a mosque with a minaret from which the muezzin could have called peo­ple to prayer.

About half of the mem­bers of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion vis­it­ed the Half­moon Camp to make sound record­ings. They filled 482 discs with 765 indi­vid­ual record­ings, which accounts for approx­i­mate­ly 30 per cent of all record­ings in the archive made under the aus­pices of Doe­gen. Also rel­e­vant to the South Asian record­ings is the work direct­ed by com­mis­sion mem­bers Hein­rich Lüders, Friedrich Carl Andreas, Hel­muth von Glase­napp, Alois Bran­dl and Josef Horovitz. This part of the col­lec­tion com­pris­es 282 titles on 193 shel­lac discs. These record­ings will be exam­ined in more detail in the fol­low­ing para­graph. For the most part ortho­graph­ic tran­scrip­tions are avail­able in Devana­gari for all titles.

Most record­ings were made by the Indi­an and Ori­en­tal schol­ar Hein­rich Lüders (1869–1943)[xvi­ii] with 150 indi­vid­ual record­ings on 98 discs. Most of these (70 titles) are in Nepalese. lt is note­wor­thy that along with many Nepalese sto­ries, Lüders also record­ed songs. In the oth­er lan­guages, which he recorded—Gurung (23),[xix] Khasi (17), Ben­gali (13)—it is most­ly sto­ries which are doc­u­ment­ed, but there also neu­tral exem­plars such as the alpha­bet and lan­guage sam­ples. In the Gurung sam­ples Lüders did not keep to the sequence of tran­scrib­ing the texts and record­ing them for he wrote in a note attached to the trans­la­tion of discs PK 636 and 637:

These exam­ples have been record­ed in a Hin­di dialect, but it is not clear in which. Giv­en the inac­cu­rate orthog­ra­phy and the pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tion which puts down in writ­ing what is heard, it was no more pos­si­ble for two edu­cat­ed Indi­ans, whom I con­sult­ed, than it was for me to arrive at a com­plete trans­la­tion.[xx]

With the excep­tion of mil­i­tary com­mands (record­ed by Bran­dl), the only record­ing of a South Asian POW in Eng­lish camp can be found among the lan­guage record­ings made by Lüders.[xxi] Disc num­ber PK 271 is a voice record­ing of Gan­ga Ram, a Pris­on­er of War from Nepal. What is unusu­al about this disc is that he does not speak in his moth­er tongue, Khasi, but relates the sto­ry of the Prodi­gal Son which has noth­ing to do with his own reli­gious back­ground as a Hindu.

Hel­muth von Glase­napp (1891–1963),[xxii] a schol­ar of reli­gion and Indi­an stud­ies who worked for the pro­pa­gan­da wing of the over­seas agency Infor­ma­tion Bureau for the Ori­ent (Nachricht­en­stelle für den Ori­ent), made 56 discs with 86 titles. He focussed on the lan­guages Pun­jabi (34), Hin­di (49), Old Hin­di (2) and Garhwali (1) and his work is dom­i­nat­ed by songs more than sto­ries or poems. The Ori­en­tal­ist Josef Horovitz (1874–1931)[xxi­ii] was respon­si­ble for 22 discs com­pris­ing 26 record­ings. His record­ings of Hin­dus­tani (21) and Belutschi (5) con­sist main­ly of stories—especially fairy tales and anec­dotes. Nine of 16 record­ings made by the Ori­en­tal­ist and Iran schol­ar Friedrich Carl Andreas (1846–1930)[xxiv] are record­ings of Pash­to songs on shel­lac discs. Com­ic songs make up a sig­nif­i­cant part of his list of record­ings. Alois Bran­dl,[xxv] philol­o­gist and Pro­fes­sor for Eng­lish at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty made only four record­ings of Indi­an pris­on­ers of war on four discs. His oth­er 260 titles made for the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion are of acoustic sig­nals with a bugle and Eng­lish mil­i­tary com­mands. At this point it is also nec­es­sary to men­tion the record­ings of Georg Schüne­mann. On his list of record­ings from the pris­on­er of war camps the fol­low­ing can be found: 16 Ghurkha, four Sikh, sev­en Thalor and one Hin­dus­tani.[xxvi]

The con­tent of even the strangest of these record­ings is not­ed in neu­tral terms by the com­mis­sion. One of the four Pun­jabi sto­ries record­ed by Glase­napp is direct­ly relat­ed to a wish on the part of the pris­on­ers relat­ing to the camp and the reli­gious atti­tude of the Sikhs. Tue disc num­bered PK 676 was made by Sun­dar Singh on 5 Jan­u­ary 1917 under the gen­er­al title “Sto­ry” (Erzäh­lung). In order to crit­i­cise the atti­tude of the camp author­i­ties to the reli­gious sen­si­tiv­i­ties of the Sikhs, he prais­es the liv­ing con­di­tions in the camp in an exag­ger­at­ed way:

Om, by the grace of the true guru (or: the Granth). The guru has looked upon us with great benev­o­lence for he has revealed him­self in this strange land and in this cap­tiv­i­ty and in this very prison. We are so hap­py that we feel blessed. To us, there can be no bliss greater than this, it is greater even than the bliss of peace. Due to this the reli­gious assem­blage has suc­ceed­ed. We regard the Granth Sahib as the like­ness of the tenth Guru and high­ly ven­er­ate it. If any­body should not ven­er­ate it or should not be will­ing to ven­er­ate it then each and every Singh would be pre­pared to sac­ri­fice his life at this place or he would not suf­fer to have it [the Granth] dis­hon­oured. So far our Guru Saheb [i.e. the Granth] has not received a blan­ket. If we had been in India and our Guru Sahib had gone with­out a blan­ket, we would not have tak­en any food. We have tried a lot but our Guru Sahib has not received a blan­ket yet. If we were not to take any food in this place we would per­ish very quick­ly because we have no strength left in our bod­ies for you know that these (peo­ple) do not receive food like they do in India. There­fore, we can­not give up tak­ing food. That the Eng­lish have sent us our Guru Granth Sahib—of what avail is that? Think about this your­self and swift­ly fur­nish us with a reply.

When we see the denizens of Ger­many we feel very hap­py, but we believe that the Ger­mans do not think of us as we do of them. If the Ger­mans thought of us like this, they would hon­our the house [i.e. the tem­ple] of our guru [i.e. the Granth].

PS: Refers to the desire of the pris­on­ers to obtain a blan­ket for their holy book, the ‘Granth’.[xxvii]

Crit­i­cism on the sit­u­a­tion in the camp was not always passed so open­ly. The dif­fi­cult life of the pris­on­er also finds expres­sion in the form of fables, fairy tales or anec­dotes. The fol­low­ing exam­ple, also record­ed by Glase­napp can be inter­pret­ed in this way:

A peas­ant was friends with a tiger. The friend­ship between them was very great. One day the tiger came to the house of the peas­ant. The wife of the peas­ant said: ‘You have made friends with jack­als, wolves and tigers, don’t you have any shame? Since the tiger has been com­ing to our house, there is a stench in the house.’ When the tiger heard this, he was enraged and left the house. The peas­ant left with him. The tiger said to the peas­ant: ‘You are only my friend if you strike at my head with an axe.’ On hear­ing this, the peas­ant com­plied with his wish and struck with the axe, then the tiger aban­doned him. When, after one year, the tiger met the peas­ant again, the tiger said: ‘Now look at the wound of the axe with which you have struck at my head.’ When the peas­ant looked for the wound, no wound was there. The tiger said: ‘The wound caused by the axe has van­ished, but what your wife has said that is a wound I will car­ry for the rest of my life. Now the friend­ship between us is at an end.’ Take a good look, my friend, this address even an ani­mal has not for­got­ten, how could a man for­get the like?[xxvi­ii]

Regard­less of whether the record­ing is of a tra­di­tion­al sto­ry or one which has its ori­gin in the camp, the real issue is that the con­text always remains that of a pris­on­er of war camp. If we accept this as a basis for our inter­pre­ta­tion, Ish­mer Singh, here­in the role of the tiger, can be seen to give expres­sion to wounds he received in the war and as a pris­on­er which are not vis­i­ble on the surface.

The palatogram and X‑ray images men­tioned ear­li­er were not the only pieces of research in the area of phys­i­cal anthro­pol­o­gy. The pris­on­ers of the Half­moon Camp were often the sub­jects of anthro­po­log­i­cal exam­i­na­tions. On the invi­ta­tion of Felix von Luschan (Roy­al Eth­no­log­i­cal Muse­um in Berlin and Pro­fes­sor of Anthro­pol­o­gy at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty) the Aus­tri­an Rudolf Pöch and his assis­tant Josef Weninger car­ried out exam­i­na­tions of West African pris­on­ers which were only pub­lished in 1927 in Vien­na.[xxix] Pöch also car­ried out much wider research on Aus­tri­an and Hun­gar­i­an pris­on­ers of war which should be con­sid­ered in con­junc­tion with the data from the Half­moon Camp. Egon von Eick­st­edt, a pupil of Luschan, made head mea­sure­ments of Sikhs and tried to estab­lish a topol­o­gy, but his exper­i­ment failed.[xxx]

lt is note­wor­thy that the doc­u­men­ta­tion pro­vid­ed by the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion in no way attempt­ed to con­vey any­thing of the indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of each per­son. The per­son­al record cards tell us noth­ing about the fam­i­ly back­ground of the pris­on­er, nor the cir­cum­stances in which he came to be involved in the war. The per­son­al­i­ty of each pris­on­er was only used to place them in a socio cul­tur­al matrix. The pur­pose of the per­son­al details was to allow the pris­on­er to be grouped accord­ing to eth­nic­i­ty and lan­guage. Any infor­ma­tion beyond this was of no inter­est to the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion. It was not seen as an omis­sion that the record­ings were made with­out a cul­tur­al con­text. This weak­ness in the strat­e­gy used for col­lect­ing data can be linked to the polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion at that time. By way of their doc­u­ment­ing of lan­guages and styles of music, the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion sought to meet the demands made on them by a colo­nial pow­er. In this way the glob­al cul­tur­al inter­ests of Ger­many and their claims as a colo­nial pow­er could be rein­forced. Doe­gen was not only pur­su­ing a per­son­al inter­est in cre­at­ing a sound record­ing archive; he was also keep­ing an eye on oth­er more com­mer­cial pur­pos­es. For exam­ple, the record­ings were to be used for train­ing colo­nial offi­cials in the lan­guages of the colonies envi­sioned as of strate­gic impor­tance after a suc­cess­ful con­clu­sion of the First World War from the point of view of the Ger­man Empire.

As a gen­er­al rule, the note­books accom­pa­ny­ing the shel­lac discs of the sound record­ing archive in which the pho­net­ic and ortho­graph­ic tran­scrip­tion of the con­tents of each disc held in print­ed form give no details about the per­son­al life of the pris­on­er because of the nature of the per­son­al infor­ma­tion giv­en. These books do not give the read­er any sense that the record­ings were made in pris­on­er of war camps.[xxxi] Nor is there a note­book accom­pa­ny­ing the South Asian record­ings for only a small num­ber of these discs must have been sold. The researchers did not use the South Asian mate­r­i­al for their publications.

These exam­ples should demon­strate the type of absence of infor­ma­tion in the archive. On the oth­er hand, there is no oth­er his­tor­i­cal sound archive of that sta­tus. And even if the infor­ma­tion is not com­plete at least the Lautarchiv pro­vides a base that allows us to con­tin­ue search­ing for descen­dants and fur­ther infor­ma­tion. There­fore research in this archive can help in shift­ing the focus away from see­ing the war through the lens of inter­ac­tions among states and towards indi­vid­ual trajectories.

In 1925 Alois Bran­dl writes about the qual­i­ty of the record­ings of British dialects made by him in the pris­on­er of war camps:

Review­ing the mate­r­i­al I col­lect­ed in 15 camps, from a sum­ma­ry study of some 1000 speak­ers of dialects and from a close sound­ing out of 75, under­neath all the var­ie­ga­tion there is a uni­fy­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic: it is not tak­en from books or news­pa­pers but from real life.[…] Here resounds a choir of par­tic­i­pants in the war, whose voic­es oth­er­wise would have fad­ed away; a hun­dred years from now they shall still speak as that por­tion of England’s soul which, in crit­i­cal times, had to act and endure but did not have a say in pub­lic. Good lads, how unflag­ging­ly have you repeat­ed your cou­ple of lines until they were incor­po­rat­ed into the muse­um of lin­guis­tics! […] One day the bet­ter Eng­land[…] will awak­en once more and hon­our this cul­tur­al work amidst the inces­sant clam­our of weapons in world his­to­ry; until then let it stand in the shad­ow as mere ‘dialec­tol­ogy’, as bizarre philol­o­gism, as Ger­man rever­ie.[xxxii]

Of all the schol­ars named above who made record­ings of sol­diers from south­ern Asia in the Half­moon Camp, Alois Bran­dl, along with Hein­rich Lüders,[xxxi­ii] is the only per­son to make ref­er­ence to the research and record­ings in the pris­on­er of war camps in his arti­cle in Doegen’s book “Amongst For­eign Peo­ples” (Unter frem­den Völk­ern) pub­lished in 1925. The three essays writ­ten by Hel­muth von Glase­napp, which are pub­lished in this book, refer nei­ther to the cir­cum­stances of the record­ings nor to his own record­ings.[xxxiv] Josef Horovitz refers to his work in the camps only in the last para­graph of his arti­cle enti­tled “On Indi­an Mus­lims”.[xxxv] The essay by Friedrich Carl Andreas makes no men­tion of his vis­its to the prison camps.[xxxvi]


An unusu­al source is avail­able to those who wish to inves­ti­gate the sit­u­a­tion of South Asians who were detained in Ger­man intern­ment camps dur­ing the First World War. An acoustic doc­u­ment, the shel­lac disc, offers infor­ma­tion of a very par­tic­u­lar type. Despite the crack­ling these record­ings give a sense of imme­di­a­cy cre­at­ed not least by the record­ing tech­niques used from the begin­ning of sound record­ing. In this way sound doc­u­ments of many peo­ples have been pre­served and are today stored in the Lautarchiv of the Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin. The sound doc­u­ments are part of a world her­itage and offer lin­guists, his­to­ri­ans as well as schol­ars of cul­tur­al and lit­er­ary stud­ies from all parts of the globe an invalu­able cor­pus of research material.

It is now more than 90 years since the begin­ning of the First World War. This dis­tance should allow for this col­lect­ed mate­r­i­al, which is not only a mul­ti­lin­gual repos­i­to­ry of record­ed lan­guage sam­ples but an impor­tant part of world cul­tur­al her­itage, to be eval­u­at­ed and analysed more com­pre­hen­sive­ly and from var­i­ous aca­d­e­m­ic angles. This research should be car­ried out by aca­d­e­mics from the respec­tive lin­guis­tic regions for they are best placed to unrav­el the var­i­ous pho­net­ic, seman­tic, and prag­mat­ic lev­els of the acoustic mate­r­i­al and set them in their appro­pri­ate cul­tur­al and his­toric context.

In recent years the doc­u­ments of the sound record­ing archive have been the basis of exhi­bi­tions and doc­u­men­tary films. In terms of the South Asian record­ings Philip Scheffner’s film and exhi­bi­tion project “The Half­moon Files” is worth men­tion­ing. The basis of his research is the voice record­ings of British-Indi­an sol­diers kept in the archive.[xxxvii]

The re-record­ing of the main part of the shel­lac disc col­lec­tion from the years 1915–44 was con­clud­ed with the cre­ation of the data base in 2005. The dig­i­tal files of the 3825 discs are now avail­able in WAV for­mat and as MP3 files. As there was often more than one record­ing on each side of a disc, a total of 6806 files were cre­at­ed. Because of the lev­el to which indi­vid­ual record­ings have been devel­oped the sound record­ing archive has set inter­na­tion­al stan­dards for sim­i­lar sound collections.


[i], Rev. 2011-02-14. At the moment the web­page can be accessed in Ger­man only. Since the data­base com­pris­es a vari­ety of oth­er col­lec­tions researchers are advised, in order to exclu­sive­ly search the sound archive, to choose under the option “The­saurus” “Sprachen” (lan­guages) or “Sprach­fam­i­lien” (fam­i­lies of lan­guages). Due to copy­right issues the online ver­sion of the data­base does not include the option of lis­ten­ing to the actu­al sound files. Titles and var­i­ous infor­ma­tion about each record­ing is avail­able however.

[ii] Doegen,Wilhelm (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 9. The mod­ern col­lec­tion cor­re­sponds to Doegen’s clas­si­fi­ca­tion, yet the start­ing dates of the dif­fer­ent branch­es vary: from 1915 Lan­guages, Music and Songs of the Peo­ples of the World (Sprachen, Musik und Gesang der Völk­er der Erde), from 1917 Vocal Potraits of lmpor­tant Pub­lic Fig­ures (Stimm­por­traits bekan­nter Per­sön­lichkeit­en) and from 1922 Ger­man dialects (deutsche Mundarten) as well as “Mis­cel­la­neous” includ­ing ani­mal voices.

[iii] Carl Stumpf found­ed the Phono­gramm-Archiv at the Friedrich Wil­helm Uni­ver­si­ty in 1905 with audio record­ings that he had been pro­duc­ing since 1900 on Edi­son wax cylin­ders. The Phono­gramm-Archiv now is part of the Eth­no­log­i­cal Muse­um in Berlin. Simon, Arthur (ed.) Das Berlin­er Phono­gramm-Archiv 1900–2000—Sammlungen der tra­di­tionellen Musik der Welt, Berlin: Ver­lag für Wis­senschaft und Bil­dung, 2000, S. 25–46.

[iv] All the fig­ures quot­ed are based on the doc­u­men­ta­tion of 1650 shel­lac record­ings of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion, today held by the Lautarchiv of the Humboldt­ Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin.

[v] Simon, Ibid., S. 237. The shel­lac discs of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion car­ry the sig­na­ture “PK”, where­as that the Edi­son wax cylin­ders have the sig­na­ture “Phon. Komm.” The shel­lac disc, which in com­par­i­son to wax cylin­ders (or phono­graph cylin­ders) is marked by a bet­ter play­back qual­i­ty, repro­ducibil­i­ty, and dura­bil­i­ty, was to be used as a new medi­um of teach­ing. The con­tent of the wax cylin­ders is not part of this article.

[vi] This was based on Doegen’s “mem­o­ran­dum on the estab­lish­ment of a sound depart­ment in the Pruss­ian state library” (Denkschrift über die Errich­tung ein­er Lautabteilung in der Preußis­chen Staatsbibliothek).

[vii] Geheimes Staatsarchiv—Preußischer Kul­turbe­sitz [GStAPK), num­ber 250,Vol. I, doc­u­ments 78 and 79. Fol­low­ing a meet­ing of the Phono­graph­ic Com­mis­sion on 3.2.1919, Carl Stumpf wrote to the Min­istry for Edu­ca­tion on 12.04.1920 as fol­lows: “Sie [die Kom­mis­sion] kann daher ein starkes Befrem­den darüber nicht ver­hehlen, dass im Staat­shaushalt­s­plan von 1920 zu diesem Zwecke die Errich­tung ein­er Laut­samm­lung als beson­der­er Abteilung der Staats­bib­lio­thek vorge­se­hen ist, ohne dass die Mei­n­ung der Phono­grapis­chen Kom­mis­sion irgend­wie gehört wor­den wäre.”

(“We [the Com­mis­sion] can­not with­hold our reser­va­tions about the nation­al bud­get plan of 1920 envis­ag­ing the estab­lish­ment of a sound col­lec­tion as a spe­cial depart­ment of the state library, with­out in any way hear­ing the opin­ion of the Phono­graph­ic Commission.”)

[viii] GStAPK, num­ber 250, Vol. I, doc­u­ments 3 and 4. Con­tract dat­ed 17.03.1917.

[ix] Ibid.

[x] The Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin has been renamed sev­er­al times. To avoid con­fu­sion here are the names in chrono­log­i­cal order:

1810–1827 Berlin­er Uni­ver­sität, 1828–1945 Friedrich-Wil­helms-Uni­ver­sität, 1945–1947 Uni­ver­sität Berlin, 1948-today Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin.

[xi] D. West­er­mann took over the run­ning of the depart­ment of lin­guis­tics, F. Bose that of music and F. Weth­lo the pho­net­ic laboratory.

[xii] Mehn­ert, Dieter, „His­torische Schallaufnahmen—Das Lautarchiv an der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin“, Stu­di­en­texte zur Sprachkom­mu­nika­tion 13 (1996): S. 28–45.

[xiii] Lange, Brit­ta, “South Asian Sol­diers and Ger­man Aca­d­e­mics: Anthro­po­log­i­cal, Lin­guis­tic and Musi­co­log­i­cal Field Stud­ies in Prison Camps”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), ‘When The War Began We Heard of Sev­er­al Kings’ South Asian Pris­on­ers in World War I Ger­many, New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 149–185.

[xiv] In a mosque spe­cial­ly built for the pris­on­ers they could con­gre­gate for prayers. The call of the muezzin has been pre­served on the shel­lac discs. Apart from the shel­lac discs sev­er­al pho­tographs depict­ing the camp life have been pre­served (Cf. Kahleyss, Mar­got, Mus­lime in Brandenburg—Kriegsgefangene im 1. Weltkrieg: Ansicht­en und Absicht­en, Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preußis­ch­er Kul­turbe­sitz, 2000), see also Kahleyss, Mar­got, “Indi­an Pris­on­ers of War in World War I: Pho­tographs as Source Mate­r­i­al”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), Ibid., pp. 187–206. Even a short film doc­u­men­ta­tion from the camp exists (kept in the Bun­des­fil­marchiv). Mad­hus­ree Dut­ta and Philip Scheffn­er used this mate­r­i­al as well as record­ings from the Lautarchiv in their doc­u­men­tary “From Here to Here” deal­ing with Indo-Ger­man rela­tions (lndia, 2005, 58 min.). The film scene from the camp can also be found in Scheffner’s lat­est doc­u­men­tary: “The Half­moon Files”.

[xv] Inside the brack­ets are the names of present states.

[xvi] Liebau, Heike, “The Ger­man For­eign Office, Indi­an Emi­grants and Pro­pa­gan­da Efforts Among the ‘Sepoys’”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), Ibid., pp. 96–129 and Liebau, Heike, 2011, “Hin­dostan: A Camp News­pa­per for South-Asian Pris­on­ers of World War One in Ger­many”. In: Ibid., pp. 231–249.

[xvii] The disc’s sig­na­ture is LA, PK 626.

[xvi­ii] Hein­rich Lüders was an Ori­en­tal­ist and Indol­o­gist. From 1909 he was the chair of lan­guages and lit­er­a­ture of Ancient lndia at the Friedrich-Wil­helms-Uni­ver­sität as well as being, also from 1909, mem­ber of the Pruss­ian Acad­e­my of Sci­ences. 1931–1932 he act­ed as prin­ci­pal of the Friedrich-Wil­helms-Uni­ver­sität in Berlin. For fur­ther details on Lüders, cf. Lange, Ibid.

[xix] The num­bers in the brack­ets gives the amount of indi­vid­ual titles in the respec­tive language.

[xx] Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin, Lautarchiv, fold­er No. 9. “Die Stücke sind in einem Hin­di-Dialekt abge­faßt, doch ließ sich nicht fest­stellen in welchem. Bei der fehler­haften Orthogra­phie und der nach dem Gehörten wiedergegebe­nen phonetis­chen Umschrift war es zwei von mir herange­zo­ge­nen gebilde­ten Indern eben­so wenig als mir selb­st möglich, eine voll­ständi­ge Über­set­zung herzustellen.”

[xxi] Oth­er lan­guages doc­u­ment­ed by Lüders: Lim­bu (6), Hin­di (5), Pash­tu (4), Hin­dus­tani (3), Mag­ar (3), Urdu (2), Rai (1), Gurmuk[h]i (1), Mag­a­ri (1).

[xxii] Glase­napp was Pro­fes­sor of lndol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty Königs­berg (East Prus­sia, 1928–44), Pro­fes­sor of Com­par­a­tive Reli­gious Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty Tübin­gen (1946–59). Dur­ing the First World War Glase­napp was a mem­ber of the NfO.

[xxi­ii] Horovitz was from 1902 lec­tur­er at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin, between 1907–14 lec­tur­er in Ara­bic at the Muhammedan Anglo-Ori­en­tal Col­lege in Ali­gargh, lndia. From 1915 to 1931 he held the chair in Semit­ic lan­guages at the Ori­en­tal Sem­i­nar of the Uni­ver­si­ty Frank­furt am Main.

[xxiv] Andreas was from 1883 to 1903 Lec­tur­er of Per­sian and Turk­ish at the Ori­en­tal Sem­i­nar of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin. Since 1903 he held the chair in West Asian Lan­guages at the Uni­ver­si­ty Göttingen.

[xxv] Sub­se­quent to hold­ing chairs at Prague, Göt­tin­gen and Stras­bourg, Bran­dl, in 1895, became pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish Philol­o­gy in Berlin.

[xxvi] List “Samm­lung aus den Kriegs­ge­fan­genen-Lagern” (Col­lec­tions from the prison camps) in: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Preussischer Kul­turbe­sitz, Eth­nol­o­gis­ches Muse­um. No inven­to­ry number.

[xxvii] “Om, durch die Gnade des wahren Guru. Der Guru (oder: der Granth) hat mit großer Güte auf uns geblickt, denn er hat sich uns im frem­den Lande und in dieser Gefan­gen­schaft und uns diesem Gefäng­nis gezeigt. Wir sind so glück­lich, daß wir selig sind. Es kann kein größeres Glück für uns geben, als dieses; es ist größer als selb­st das Glück des Friedens. Die religiöse Ver­samm­lung ist dadurch glück­lich. Wir betra­cht­en den Granth Sahib als das Eben­bild des 10. Gurus und verehren ihn sehr. Wenn irgen­dein­er ihn nicht ehrt, oder ihn nicht ehren will, so wird jed­er Singh bere­it sein entwed­er an diesem Ort sein Leben zu geben, oder wird es nicht dulden ihn [den Granth] entehrt zu lassen. Bis jet­zt hat unser Guru Saheb [d.h. der Granth] keine Decke erhal­ten. Wären wir in Indi­en und hätte unser Guru Sahib keine Decke, so wür­den wir keine Speise zu uns genom­men haben. Wir haben viel ver­sucht, aber unser Guru Sahib hat bis jet­zt noch keine Decke erhal­ten. Wenn wir an diesem Ort keine Speise essen wür­den, so wür­den wir sehr schnell ster­ben, weil in unseren 

Kör­pern keine Kraft ist, denn Sie wis­sen, dass diese (Leute) kein Essen wie in Indi­en erhal­ten. Deshalb kön­nen wir das Essen nicht aufgeben. Daß die Englän­der uns unseren Guru Granth Sahib gesandt haben, was hat das für einen Zweck? Denken Sie sel­ber über diese Sache nach und geben Sie uns schnell Antwort. Wenn wir die Bewohn­er Deutsch­lands sehen, sind wir sehr glück­lich, aber wir glauben, dass die Deutschen von uns nicht so denken, wie wir von ihnen. Wenn die Deutschen so dächt­en, so wür­den sie das Haus [d.h. den Tem­pel] unseres Gurus [d.h. des Granth] ehren. P.S. Bezieht sich auf den Wun­sch der Gefan­genen, für ihr heiliges Buch, den ‘Granth’ eine Decke zu erhal­ten.” Cf. Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin, LA, fold­er No. 9. All the notes in brack­ets are in accor­dance with the original.

[xxvi­ii] Record­ing of Ish­er Singh on the 11 Decem­ber 1916. The trans­la­tion of PK615 exists in the form of a type­script. Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin, LA fold­er No 9.

[xxix] Lange, Brit­ta, “Aca­d­e­m­ic Research on (Coloured) Pris­on­ers of War in Ger­many, 1915–1918”. In: Dominiek Den­dooven and Piet Chie­lens (eds), World War 1. Five Con­ti­nents in Flan­ders, Tielt: Lanoo, 2008, pp. 153–159.

[xxx] Eick­st­edt, Egon von, „Rassenele­mente der Sikhs“, Zeitschrift für Eth­nolo­gie 52 (1920–21): S. 317–394.

[xxxi] Laut­bib­lio­thek-Phonetis­che Plat­ten und Umschriften (pub­lished by Lautabteilung der Preussichen Staats­bib­lio­thek), 1926–1930.

[xxxii] Bran­dl, Alois, „Der Anglist bei den Englän­dern“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Ibid., S. 362–376, see S. 375f.

[xxxi­ii] Lüders, Hein­rich, „Die Gurkhas“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Ibid., S. 126–139.

[xxxiv] Glase­napp, Hel­muth von, „Der Hin­duis­mus“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Ibid., S. 116–125; Idem, „Die Rad­seh­puten“. In: Ibid., S. 140–150; Idem, „Die Sikhs“. In: Ibid., S. 151–160.

[xxxv] Horovitz, Josef, „Die indis­chen Mohammedan­er“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Ibid., S. 161–166.

[xxxvi] Andreas, Friedrich Karl, „Iranier“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Ibid., S. 376–383.

[xxxvii] The film had its world pre­miere at the 57th Berli­nale film fes­ti­val dur­ing The Inter­na­tion­al Forum of New Cin­e­ma on 16 Feb­ru­ary 2007. Sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al awards fol­lowed., accessed on 25.05.2023.


Andreas, Friedrich Karl, „Iranier“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 376–383.

Bran­dl, Alois, „Der Anglist bei den Englän­dern“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 362–376.

Doe­gen, Wil­helm (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925.

Eick­st­edt, Egon von, „Rassenele­mente der Sikhs“, Zeitschrift für Eth­nolo­gie 52 (1920–21): S. 317–394.

Glase­napp, Hel­muth von, „Der Hin­duis­mus“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 116–125.

——–, „Die Rad­seh­puten“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 140–150.

——–, „Die Sikhs“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 151–160.

Horovitz, Josef, „Die indis­chen Mohammedan­er“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 161–166.

Kahleyss, Mar­got, Mus­lime in Brandenburg—Kriegsgefangene im 1. Weltkrieg: Ansicht­en und Absicht­en, Berlin: Staatliche Museen Preußis­ch­er Kul­turbe­sitz, 2000.

——–, “Indi­an Pris­on­ers of War in World War I: Pho­tographs as Source Mate­r­i­al”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), ‘When The War Began We Heard of Sev­er­al Kings’ South Asian Pris­on­ers in World War I Ger­many, New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 187–206.

Lange, Brit­ta, “Aca­d­e­m­ic Research on (Coloured) Pris­on­ers of War in Ger­many, 1915–1918”. In: Dominiek Den­dooven and Piet Chie­lens (eds), World War 1. Five Con­ti­nents in Flan­ders, Tielt: Lanoo, 2008, pp. 153–159.

——–, “South Asian Sol­diers and Ger­man Aca­d­e­mics: Anthro­po­log­i­cal, Lin­guis­tic and Musi­co­log­i­cal Field Stud­ies in Prison Camps”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), ‘When The War Began We Heard of Sev­er­al Kings’ South Asian Pris­on­ers in World War I Ger­many, New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 149–185.

Liebau, Heike, “The Ger­man For­eign Office, Indi­an Emi­grants and Pro­pa­gan­da Efforts Among the ‘Sepoys’”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), ‘When The War Began We Heard of Sev­er­al Kings’ South Asian Pris­on­ers in World War I Ger­many, New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 96–129.

——–, “Hin­dostan: A Camp News­pa­per for South-Asian Pris­on­ers of World War One in Ger­many”. In: Franziska Roy, Heike Liebau and Ravi Ahu­ja (eds), ‘When The War Began We Heard of Sev­er­al Kings’ South Asian Pris­on­ers in World War I Ger­many, New Del­hi: Social Sci­ence Press, 2011, pp. 231–249.

Lüders, Hein­rich, „Die Gurkhas“. In: Wil­helm Doe­gen (Hg.), Unter frem­den Völk­ern. Eine neue Völk­erkunde, Berlin: Otto Stoll­berg, 1925, S. 126–139.

Mehn­ert, Dieter, „His­torische Schallaufnahmen—Das Lautarchiv an der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin“, Stu­di­en­texte zur Sprachkom­mu­nika­tion 13 (1996): S. 28–45.

Simon, Arthur (ed.) Das Berlin­er Phono­gramm-Archiv 1900–2000—Sammlungen der tra­di­tionellen Musik der Welt, Berlin: Ver­lag für Wis­senschaft und Bil­dung, 2000.

Jürgen‑K. Mahren­holz, Lautarchiv der Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin

MIDA Archival Reflex­i­con

Edi­tors: Anan­di­ta Baj­pai, Heike Liebau
Lay­out: Nico Putz, Paula Schn­abel, Jannes Thode
Host: ZMO, Kirch­weg 33, 14129 Berlin
Con­tact: archival.reflexicon [at]

ISSN 2628–5029