Nico Putz
Research Fellow
Kirchweg 33
14129 Berlin
- project coordinator for the Berlin site
- coordination of archival research
- assistance in editing and publishing processes of Archival Reflexicon and Thematic Resources
- content management MIDA web presence
- knowledge transfer
2022 - Master of Arts Modern South and Southeast Asian Studies, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
MA thesis: The global sixties in India – Reflections on networks and perception of the Naxalite movement.
2019 - Bachelor of Arts Area Studies Asia/Africa, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Focus: South Asia
BA thesis: Regulation, territorial flexibility and interest based claims: Informal street vending in Kolkata.
Awards and Scholarships
2021 - grant for MA thesis from Berliner Wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft e.V. and Erhard Höpfner Stiftung
2016 - PROMOS scholarship of the DAAD
Study and Research Trips
2019 - assistant to Dr. Melitta Waligora during a research trip to Kolkata
2016–17 - year abroad, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
BA/MA History, MA Film Studies, MA English Literature
Professional Development
2019–21 - Student Assistant / DFG funded long term project „Das Moderne Indien in deutschen Archiven“, Berlin
2018–20 - Student Assistant / Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Research Units: Trajectories of Life and Knowledge
Representations of the Past as Mobilizing Force
2018 - Student Assistant / IGK „Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive [re:work], Berlin
Project: Servants‘ Past (edited volume)
2017 - Student Assistant / Universität Erfurt
Project: ICAS:MP Inaugural Conference: Changing Contours of the Political
“Studying Students with Ajoy and Bhupesh: The Archives of the Communist Party of India (CPI) in Delhi and Kolkata”. Crafting Entanglements: Afro-Asian Pasts of the Global Cold War 2 (August 2024): 7 pp.–002 .
with Martin Christof-Füchsle: “India-Related Private Collections in German Archives”. MIDA Thematic Resources (2020).–2022–00046.
“India-Related Sources in the Lautarchiv of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin”. MIDA Thematic Resources (2019).–2022–00045.
with Anandita Bajpai & Johannes Heymann: “Sources in the Joachim-Heidrich-Papers at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin”. MIDA Thematic Resources (2019).–2022–00041.