Image: Por­trait of August Her­mann Francke

This is a trans­la­ted ver­si­on of the 2019 MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con ent­ry “Das „Mis­si­ons­ar­chiv“ im Archiv der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen zu Hal­le”. The text was trans­la­ted by Rek­ha Rajan.

Table of Con­tents
His­to­ri­cal Back­ground | The Cata­lo­guing of Sources | Fin­ding Aids and Online Data­ba­ses | Secon­da­ry Sources on the Mis­si­on Archi­ves and its Cata­lo­guing | Anno­ta­ted Pri­ma­ry Sources  |   Secon­da­ry Lite­ra­tu­re 

Historical Background

After a ship voya­ge las­ting more than six months, the two theo­lo­gi­ans Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balg (1682–1719) and Hein­rich Plüt­schau (1677–1747) arri­ved in Tran­quebar (today: Tha­r­an­gam­ba­di), the main bas­ti­on of the Danish colo­nies in Sou­the­ast India on 6 June, 1706. Their arri­val mark­ed the begin­ning of an inter­cul­tu­ral dia­lo­gue that car­ri­ed on into the nine­te­enth cen­tu­ry bet­ween the Euro­pean repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the first Pro­tes­tant mis­si­on in Copen­ha­gen, Hal­le and Lon­don and the peo­p­le living in the South Indi­an king­dom of Tan­jo­re. The mis­si­on under­ta­king was fun­ded by the Danish Crown, but it recei­ved gui­dance and sup­port from the edu­ca­tio­nal and social insti­tu­ti­ons in Hal­le named after the pas­tor and pro­fes­sor of theo­lo­gy, August Her­mann Fran­cke (1663–1727), who had estab­lished them. The mis­si­on was later also sup­port­ed by the Socie­ty for Pro­mo­ting Chris­ti­an Know­ledge (SPCK) in Lon­don. Thus, the mis­si­on in Tran­quebar is cal­led the Danish-Hal­le mis­si­on or the Danish-Eng­lish-Hal­le mission.

Zie­gen­balg and Plüt­schau had stu­di­ed in Hal­le whe­re they encoun­te­red the ide­as of Pie­tism, the first reform move­ment in the Pro­tes­tant Church sin­ce the Refor­ma­ti­on. August Her­mann Fran­cke envi­sio­ned the world­wi­de pro­pa­ga­ti­on of Hal­le Pie­tism. The orpha­na­ge and the schools in Glau­cha at the gates of the city of Hal­le were to beco­me the foun­da­ti­on and the point of depar­tu­re for a uni­ver­sal, reli­gi­on-based impro­ve­ment of all estates both within and out­side Ger­ma­ny. The mis­si­on in India should be pla­ced in this context.

Around 15,000 peo­p­le lived in Tran­quebar and its envi­rons con­sis­ting of Hin­dus, Mus­lims, Indi­an Catho­lic Chris­ti­ans as well as Euro­peans working for the East India Com­pa­ny. After initi­al con­flicts with the East India Com­pa­ny, which even led to Zie­gen­balg being impri­so­ned for four months, the mis­sio­na­ries were able to work lar­ge­ly wit­hout dis­rup­ti­on and gra­du­al­ly began to extend their radi­us from Tran­quebar, the cent­re of the mis­si­on, to the sur­roun­ding regi­ons. Mis­si­on dis­tricts even came up in Eng­lish ter­ri­to­ry after the mis­sio­na­ry Ben­ja­min Schult­ze (1689–1760) left Tran­quebar in 1726 due to dif­fe­ren­ces with his col­le­agues and foun­ded a Pro­tes­tant mis­si­on in Madras (pre­sent day: Chen­nai). This sta­ti­on was then finan­ced by the SPCK with mis­sio­na­ries from Hal­le. In the fol­lo­wing years, other mis­si­on sta­ti­ons were estab­lished on Eng­lish ter­ri­to­ry, among others in Cud­dalo­re (1730), Than­ja­vur (1762), Tiruchi­ra­pal­li (1762), Palam­kod­tei (1785), which meant that the mis­sio­na­ries tra­vel­led extensively.

The mis­sio­na­ries were hel­ped in their work by being part of a wide cor­re­spon­dence-net­work which not only made the local infra­struc­tu­re acces­si­ble to them, but also pro­mo­ted exch­an­ge with Euro­pe. Thus, they estab­lished cont­act with Pro­tes­tant pre­a­chers in all Euro­pean colo­nies bet­ween Cochin and Bata­via as well as at the Cape of Good Hope, with sci­en­tists in Euro­pe and, natu­ral­ly, with August Her­mann Fran­cke, his co-workers and suc­ces­sors. Local­ly, they sought cont­act through cor­re­spon­dence with repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Bri­tish and Dutch East India Com­pa­nies, with Catho­lic mis­sio­na­ries in South India and, pri­ma­ri­ly, with Indi­ans them­sel­ves, inclu­ding Hin­dus from dif­fe­rent cas­tes, Mus­lims, lawy­ers, mer­chants, and even Indi­an prin­ces. One of the most inte­res­t­ing sources on the life and thought of Tami­li­ans at the begin­ning of the eigh­te­enth cen­tu­ry is the coll­ec­tion titled Mala­ba­ri­an Cor­re­spon­dence (Mala­ba­ri­sche Cor­re­spon­denz), a cor­re­spon­dence car­ri­ed out by the mis­sio­na­ries Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balg and Johann Ernst Gründ­ler (1677–1720) bet­ween 1712 and 1714 with Indi­ans. The let­ters were sent by the mis­sio­na­ries to Hal­le whe­re they were edi­ted and published in the peri­odi­cal that appeared regu­lar­ly sin­ce 1710: Der Königl. Däni­schen Mis­sio­na­ri­en aus Ost-Indi­en ein­ge­sand­ter Aus­führ­li­chen Berich­ten, the so-cal­led Hal­le Reports, published by the Orphan House. The­se let­ters were thus made available to an inte­res­ted rea­der­ship in Europe.

The Hal­le Reports con­tain dia­ries, let­ters, tra­vel dia­ries, trea­tis­es, sta­tis­ti­cal accounts and obitua­ries, and were the­r­e­fo­re, not only the most important bea­rers of infor­ma­ti­on media about the Danish-Hal­le mis­si­on, but also the most effec­ti­ve pro­pa­gan­da tool to rai­se dona­ti­ons and to build up a net­work of spon­sors. The list of sub­scri­bers went far bey­ond Pro­tes­tant Ger­ma­ny, exten­ding to Rus­sia, Fin­land, Livo­nia, North Bohe­mia, Den­mark, the Net­her­lands, Eng­land, Ita­ly and Aus­tria. The edi­tors sel­ec­ted mate­ri­al from the docu­ments sent by the mis­sio­na­ries and part­ly cen­so­red the sources in kee­ping with the inten­ti­ons of the mission.

For the mis­sio­na­ries, lan­guage was the most important instru­ment to spread the word of God in the local lan­guage and to this end they trans­la­ted the Bible and devo­tio­nal Pie­tist lite­ra­tu­re. They main­ly lear­nt Tamil, but also Telugu and Hin­du­sta­ni, as well as Por­tu­gue­se which was important becau­se of the pre­sence of Euro­peans and their des­cen­dants. As ear­ly as 1715, Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balg published the New Tes­ta­ment in Tamil, which was prin­ted in the mis­si­on prin­ting press in Tran­quebar. Based on their stu­dy of theo­lo­gy, for which they had lear­ned many lan­guages, the mis­sio­na­ries under­took pio­nee­ring rese­arch in com­pa­ra­ti­ve lin­gu­i­stics. This includes Ziegenbalg’s Gram­ma­ti­ca Damu­li­ca (Hal­le 1716), Schultze’s Gram­ma­ti­ca Hin­d­o­sta­ni­ca (Hal­le 1745) and Gram­ma­ti­ca Telugui­ca (Madras 1728), or the Tamil-Eng­lish dic­tion­a­ry by Johann Phil­ipp Fabri­ci­us (1711–1791). The prin­ting press in Tran­quebar pri­ma­ri­ly pro­du­ced trans­la­ti­ons of the Bible and Pro­tes­tant devo­tio­nal lite­ra­tu­re, but also grammars, dic­tio­n­a­ries, school­books, calen­dars and works com­mis­sio­ned by the Danish and Eng­lish colo­ni­al admi­nis­tra­ti­ons. Pre­a­chers dis­tri­bu­ted many of the shorter works free of cost to the people.

In addi­ti­on to this, the mis­sio­na­ries under­took the edu­ca­ti­on of the youth. Alre­a­dy in 1707, the first school was estab­lished in Tran­quebar and in the same year a girls’ school was set up, which was pro­ba­b­ly the first school for girls in India. The trai­ning of cate­chists aimed at tea­ching local adults, and they were induc­ted direct­ly into the ser­vice of the mis­si­on as so-cal­led “natio­nal workers”. In 1733, the first Indi­an who had been bap­ti­zed by Zie­gen­balg in 1718, was orda­i­ned and given the name Aaron.

Seve­ral mis­sio­na­ries saw them­sel­ves not only as theo­lo­gi­ans but also as scholars/scientists, and they sent their writ­ten obser­va­tions on cul­tu­re and socie­ty, on fau­na and flo­ra, on meteo­ro­lo­gy and medi­ci­ne, but also their pre­ser­ved natu­ral histo­ry spe­ci­mens or cult objects to Hal­le, whe­re they can still be admi­red in the Cabi­net of Arte­facts and Natu­ral Curio­si­ties. Some mis­sio­na­ries beca­me mem­bers of inter­na­tio­nal sci­en­ti­fic socie­ties, cor­re­spon­ding with aca­de­my mem­bers and scho­lars all over Euro­pe. Seve­ral obser­va­tions and descrip­ti­ons were published in the Hal­le Reports, but also in sci­en­ti­fic peri­odi­cals and jour­nals, and all this con­tri­bu­ted to the know­ledge of India in Euro­pe. In due cour­se of time Hal­le lost its role as the spi­ri­tu­al cent­re of the mis­si­on. In 1837, the Luther­an Mis­si­on Socie­ty of Dres­den took over the mis­si­on sta­ti­on in Tran­quebar and then han­ded it over in 1848 to the Leip­zig Mis­si­on Socie­ty. Today, the Evan­ge­li­cal-Luther­an Chris­ti­ans of Tamil Nadu are uni­fied main­ly in the Tamil Evan­ge­li­cal Luther­an Church (TELC), which was estab­lished in 1919.

The Cataloguing of Sources

The sources for the Danish-Hal­le mis­si­on are pri­ma­ri­ly kept in the archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons. As ear­ly as the eigh­te­enth cen­tu­ry, a sepa­ra­te mis­si­on archi­ve was set up, which was admi­nis­te­red by the East India Mis­si­on Insti­tu­te loca­ted on the pre­mi­ses of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons. Today it is a part of the archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons and is divi­ded into an India and an Ame­ri­ca sec­tion. The term “mis­si­on archi­ve”, howe­ver, has per­sis­ted and beco­me part of the lite­ra­tu­re. Until the begin­ning of the 1990s, the manu­scripts were pre­ser­ved in chests spe­ci­al­ly made for them. Today they are kept in a tem­pe­ra­tu­re-con­trol­led room in the August Her­mann Fran­cke Stu­dy Centre.

The oldest cata­lo­gue of the hol­dings is from 1828 and it was used for the first time in the second half of the nine­te­enth cen­tu­ry by Wil­helm Ger­mann (1840–1902), who ana­ly­sed the cor­re­spon­dence of the mis­sio­na­ries and of the mis­si­on direc­tors for his work on the Tran­quebar mis­si­on. In the fol­lo­wing years, the mis­si­on archi­ve was con­stant­ly expan­ded; new archi­val docu­ments beca­me part of the hol­dings or were relo­ca­ted from other sec­tions of the archi­ves. In the 1950s, the hol­dings were again cata­logued in a fin­ding aids book and a card index. The enti­re hol­dings were re-docu­men­ted with con­tent sum­ma­ries and stan­dar­di­zed key­words from 2003 to 2005 within the frame­work of a cata­lo­guing pro­ject fun­ded by the Ger­man Rese­arch Coun­cil (DFG), which is available on the web­site of the Stu­dy Cent­re. An Eng­lish ver­si­on of the data­ba­se can also be found the­re. The latest addi­ti­on to the archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons took place in April 2006, when the archi­ve of the Leip­zig Mis­si­on was han­ded over as a depo­si­to­ry. This con­ta­ins the for­mer Tran­quebar archi­ve which was sent from India to Ger­ma­ny at the end of the nine­te­enth cen­tu­ry. The­se archi­val mate­ri­als have also been cata­logued in the archi­val data­ba­se of the Stu­dy Cent­re. Addi­tio­nal­ly, all dia­ries and tra­vel dia­ries from the mis­si­on archi­ves as well as the published Hal­le Reports are available in the digi­tal coll­ec­tions of the Stu­dy Centre.

The archi­val docu­ments in the India sec­tion of the mis­si­on archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons have not been filed accor­ding to a stan­dard prin­ci­ple of clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on. Ins­tead, they were put tog­e­ther into groups of the hol­dings part­ly accor­ding to chro­no­lo­gy and part­ly based on con­tent. The mis­si­on archi­ve (India) con­sists of 33,178 indi­vi­du­al manuscripts.

The­se include mainly:

  • let­ters and dia­ries of the missionaries
  • drafts of let­ters and ins­truc­tions from the direc­tors in Hal­le to the missionaries
  • copies of let­ters from the Mis­si­on Board in Copen­ha­gen and from the Socie­ty for Pro­mo­ting Chris­ti­an Know­ledge (SPCK) in Lon­don to the missionaries
  • the inner-Euro­pean cor­re­spon­dence bet­ween the mis­si­on direc­tors in Hal­le, Copen­ha­gen, and London
  • let­ters of dona­ti­on from sup­port­ers of the mission
  • mis­si­on accounts and other accounts
  • school cata­lo­gues as evi­dence of tea­ching acti­vi­ty and spon­sor­ship of Tami­li­an children
  • work con­tracts
  • dra­wings and buil­ding plans
  • reports and trea­tis­es of the mis­sio­na­ries on reli­gi­on, lan­guage, morals and cus­toms, flo­ra and fau­na, geo­gra­phy, and cli­ma­te as well as medi­ci­ne in South India.

Other hol­dings of the archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons con­tain sup­ple­men­ta­ry archi­val docu­ments on the Danish-Hal­le mis­si­on: in the main archi­ves the­re are 68 let­ters, 14 book manu­scripts, 6 dia­ries; in the eco­no­mic and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve archi­ves the­re are 29 files with dona­ti­ons, bequests, mat­ters con­cer­ning estates, endow­ments, mis­si­on accounts, records of various mis­si­on socie­ties; in the image archi­ves the­re are six pain­tings, some cop­per­p­la­te engra­vings and pho­to­graphs. The so-cal­led Tran­quebar archi­ve in the Leip­zig Mis­si­on Archi­ves con­ta­ins 1,482 manu­scripts of cor­re­spon­dence with Euro­pe kept in Tran­quebar. The­se also include ori­gi­nal docu­ments of prime importance, such as the let­ters of appoint­ment from the Danish king and ins­truc­tions for the first mis­sio­na­ries, Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Ziegenbalg’s last will and tes­ta­ment, or the hand-writ­ten let­ters from August Her­mann Fran­cke to the mis­sio­na­ries. Other hand-writ­ten sources that have a direct con­nec­tion to the hol­dings of the India-sec­tion of the mis­si­on archi­ves are in the Staats­bi­blio­thek zu Ber­lin – Preu­ßi­scher Kul­tur­be­sitz. The­se hol­dings, desi­gna­ted as Fran­cke estate, were ori­gi­nal­ly part of the archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons. The­se archi­val docu­ments have also been cata­logued in the archi­val data­ba­se of the Stu­dy Centre.

A coll­ec­tion of palm leaf manu­scripts also belongs to the Danish-Hal­le Mission´s tra­di­ti­on, of which 102 manu­scripts are in Tamil and 162 are in Telugu. They are main­ly trans­la­ti­ons of Bibli­cal or other reli­gious texts, and ser­mons. The Tamil manu­scripts were cata­logued by Dani­el Jey­araj and the Telugu manu­scripts by Gérard Colas and Usha Colas Chau­han. The­se cata­lo­gues can also be acces­sed all over the world through the web­site of the Stu­dy Cent­re. As a sup­ple­ment to the mis­si­on archi­ves, the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons also have a mis­si­on libra­ry with prin­ted mate­ri­al from the mis­sio­na­ry prin­ting press in Tran­quebar, and about 100 objects that the mis­sio­na­ries sent from India to Hal­le, which are kept in the Cabi­net of Arte­facts and Natu­ral Curio­si­ties pre­ser­ved in its ori­gi­nal sta­te sin­ce the eigh­te­enth cen­tu­ry. The­se objects include pre­ser­ved plants and ani­mals as well as arte­facts. The lat­ter are kept in their own “Mala­ba­ri­an cup­board” and include both reli­gious objects as well as objects of dai­ly use.

Finding Aids and Online Databases

Reper­to­ry of the mis­si­on cor­re­spon­dence. Hal­le 1828. Hal­le, Archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foun­da­ti­ons: AFSt/W  XXVIIII/-/24.

Card index of the 1950s. Hal­le, Archi­ves of the Fran­cke Foundations.

Archi­ve data­ba­se of the August Her­mann Fran­cke Stu­dy Cent­re

Data­ba­se of the archi­val hol­dings of the Danish-Hal­le Mis­si­on (Eng­lish)

Digi­tal Coll­ec­tions of the August Her­mann Fran­cke Stu­dy Cent­re,

Palm leaf and paper manu­scripts in Tamil (Ger­man) (Eng­lish)

Palm leaf manu­scripts in Telugu‌b‌d‌4‌9‌f‌b‌e‌67ba‌fc733efa5b530931a179d8 (Eng­lish)

Secondary Sources on the Mission Archives and its Cataloguing

Gröschl, Jür­gen, “Die Erschlie­ßung der Quel­len zur Dänisch-Hal­le­schen Mis­si­on im Stu­di­en­zen­trum August Her­mann Fran­cke der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen”. In: Hei­ke Liebau, Andre­as Neh­ring, Bri­git­te Klos­ter­berg (ed.) Mis­si­on und For­schung. Trans­lo­ka­le Wis­sens­pro­duk­ti­on zwi­schen Indi­en und Euro­pa im 18. und 19. Jahr­hun­dert. Hal­le: Ver­lag der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen, 2010, pp. 47–53.

——–, “Die Genea­lo­gie der Mala­ba­ri­schen Göt­ter – Hand­schrif­ten und Dru­cke des reli­gi­ons­ge­schicht­li­chen Haupt­werks von Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balg”. In: Hei­ke Liebau, Andre­as Neh­ring, Bri­git­te Klos­ter­berg (ed.) Mis­si­on und For­schung. Trans­lo­ka­le Wis­sens­pro­duk­ti­on zwi­schen Indi­en und Euro­pa im 18. und 19. Jahr­hun­dert. Hal­le: Ver­lag der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen, 2010, pp. 227–237.

——–, “Koope­ra­ti­ve Erschlie­ßungs­pro­jek­te im Archiv der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen am Bei­spiel des Ber­li­ner Fran­cke-Nach­las­ses und der Hand­schrif­ten zur Dänisch-Hal­le­schen Mis­si­on”. Aus evan­ge­li­schen Archi­ven 45 (2005): pp. 90–101.

Liebau, Hei­ke, Die Quel­len der Dänisch-Hal­le­schen Mis­si­on in Tran­quebar in deut­schen Archi­ven. Ihre Bedeu­tung für die Indi­en­for­schung. Ber­lin: Ver­lag das Ara­bi­sche Buch, 1993.

Pabst, Eri­ka, “Die Erschlie­ßung der Archiv­be­stän­de zur Dänisch-Hall­schen Mis­si­on in Hal­le und Leip­zig.” In: Udo Strä­ter [u.a.] (ed.) Alter Adam und Neue Krea­tur. Pie­tis­mus und Anthro­po­lo­gie. Bei­trä­ge zum II. Inter­na­tio­na­len Kon­gress für Pie­tis­mus­for­schung 2005: Bd. 1. Tübin­gen: Nie­mey­er, 2009, pp. 491–498.

Pabst, Eri­ka, Tho­mas Mül­ler-Bahl­ke (ed.), Quel­len­be­stän­de der Indi­en­mis­si­on 1700–1918 in Archi­ven des deutsch­spra­chi­gen Raums. Hal­le: Nie­mey­er, 2005.

Storz, Jür­gen, “Das Mis­si­ons-Archiv (Indi­en) der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen zu Hal­le”. In: Joa­chim Diet­ze (ed.) Eine wis­sen­schaft­li­che Biblio­thek und ihr Umfeld. Bei­trä­ge aus der Uni­ver­si­täts- und Lan­des­bi­blio­thek Sach­sen-Anhalt anläss­lich des 100. Geburts­ta­ges von Fritz Jun­t­ke. Hal­le: Univ.- u. Lan­des­bi­blio­thek Sach­sen-Anhalt, 1986, pp. 31–37.

Annotated Primary Sources

Gründ­ler, Johann Ernst, Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balg, Die mala­ba­ri­sche Kor­re­spon­denz. Tami­li­sche Brie­fe an deut­sche Mis­sio­na­re. Eine Aus­wahl. Ein­ge­lei­tet u. erläu­tert v. Kurt Liebau. Sig­ma­rin­gen: Thorb­ecke, 1998.

Jey­araj, Dani­el (ed.), Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Zie­gen­balgs Genea­lo­gie der mala­ba­ri­schen Göt­ter. Edi­ti­on der Ori­gi­nal­fas­sung von 1713 mit Ein­lei­tung, Ana­ly­se und Glos­sar. Hal­le: Ver­lag der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen, 2003.

——–, Tamil lan­guage for Euro­peans: Ziegenbalg’s “Gram­ma­ti­ca Damu­li­ca” (1716). Transl. from Latin and Tamil, annot. and com­men­ted by Dani­el Jey­araj with the assis­tance of Rachel Har­ring­ton. Wies­ba­den: Har­ras­so­witz, 2010.

Jey­araj, Dani­el, Richard Fox Young (ed.), Hin­du-Chris­ti­an epis­to­la­ry self-dis­clo­sures. “Mala­ba­ri­an Cor­re­spon­dence” bet­ween Ger­man Pie­tist mis­sio­na­ries and South Indi­an Hin­dus (1712 1714). Trans­la­ted, intro­du­ced and anno­ta­ted by Dani­el Jey­araj and Richard Fox Young. Wies­ba­den: Har­ras­so­witz, 2013.

Sweet­man, Will (ed.), Biblio­the­ca Mala­ba­ri­ca: Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Ziegenbalg’s Tamil libra­ry. An anno­ta­ted ed. and transl. by Will Sweet­man with R. Ilak­ku­van. Pon­di­cher­ry: Inst. Fran­çais de Pon­di­ché­ry; Paris: Éco­le Fran­çai­se d’Extrême-Orient, 2012.

Zie­gen­balg, Bar­tho­lo­mä­us, Alte Brie­fe aus Indi­en. Unver­öf­fent­lich­te Brie­fe 1706–1719. Hg. v. Arno Leh­mann. Ber­lin: Evang. Verl.-Anst., 1957.

——–, Genea­lo­gy of the South Indi­an dei­ties. An Eng­lish trans­la­ti­on of Bar­tho­lo­mä­us Ziegenbalg’s ori­gi­nal Ger­man manu­script with a tex­tu­al ana­ly­sis and glos­sa­ry, [trans­la­ted and edi­ted by] Dani­el Jey­araj. Lon­don [et al.]: Rout­ledge Cur­zon, 2005.

——–, A Ger­man explo­ra­ti­on of Indi­an socie­ty. Ziegenbalg’s “Mala­ba­ri­an Hea­the­nism”. An anno­ta­ted Eng­lish trans­la­ti­on with an intro­duc­tion and a glos­sa­ry by Dani­el Jey­araj. Chen­nai, New Delhi: The Myl­apo­re Insti­tu­te for Indi­ge­nous Stu­dies [u.a.], 2006.

——–, Der gott­ge­fäl­li­ge Lehr­stand. Eine gekürz­te Aus­wahl sei­ner Gefäng­nis­schrift. Hg. v. Niels-Peter Morit­zen. Hal­le: Ver­lag der Fran­cke­schen Stif­tun­gen, 2005. Eng­lish Ver­si­on: The estate of the cler­gy plea­sing to god. An abrid­ged sel­ec­tion of his book writ­ten in pri­son. Transl. by Rek­ha Vai­dya Rajan. Hal­le: Fran­cke­sche Stif­tun­gen, 2019; Delhi: ISPCK, 2019.

Secondary Literature

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Bri­git­te Klos­ter­berg, Fran­cke­sche Stif­tun­gen zu Halle

MIDA Archi­val Refle­xi­con

Edi­tors: Anan­di­ta Baj­pai, Hei­ke Liebau
Lay­out: Mon­ja Hof­mann, Nico Putz
Host: ZMO, Kirch­weg 33, 14129 Ber­lin
Cont­act: archival.reflexicon [at]

ISSN 2628–5029